Sound Therapy can be done despite most health problems.  Therapy Practitioner can help rule out the ineligible conditions via a prescheduled Discovery Call. For some conditions, we may request you to seek prior written approval from your healthcare provider before a session.  These are Premium Services that pamper your mind-body-soul and a must try in today's times. We have small group Sound Baths offered to public. You may also reserve a Private Session for 1-2 people or a small private event. Prior Yoga knowledge or Experience Not Required.  The work is very deep & intentional on an energetic / cellular level to address the root of the problems. Not to be treated as a substitute for your medical treatments, but may be complimentary to a medical treatment by medical expert ( if applicable). 


Just the Initial Solo Session requires a one time Initial Consult. 

Small Private Groups are offered On- Site & Off-Site. 

Group Sound Healing for Public on set dates - Posted on our Local Events Page.


Rates vary per modality pp / per sound group & venue.

Discovery Call & Appointments: Request via contact form.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is vibrational therapy using music and sound to improve physical & emotional health and well-being. A trained practitioner creates different healing vibrational sounds using specific sound healing instruments to stimulate energy fields & thereby awaken one's whole body, mind, soul & spirit. The person being treated participates in the experience as a recipient and benefits from these sound vibrations.

Why the need for Sound Healing Today?

Our body is composed of 70% water. Water holds vibrational memory. Good vibration translates to peace, harmony & wellbeing. Our society is filled with stress, chaos, dysfunctional habits like lack of sleep, poor diet, nutrition, overworking at school/ jobs leading to illnesses of mind-body-heart. While medical care is beneficial after the fact of one becoming sick; Vibrational Sound Therapy is primarily a way to routinely disrupt negative habits and dysfunctional patterns from time to time (monthly self-care) to help you reset YOU & thereby possibly avoid future illnesses. Some patients and people with some minor conditions may also benefit from this modality if approved for it alongside your ongoing medical care. This is because it creates the necessary shift to help you recharge & reboot your system. 

Sound Baths & Sound Healing Sessions are led in an unique way and feels different from listening to a song / other instrumental. It is an easiest way to get into a deepest form of meditation.

Experience beautiful deep states of self love, self acceptance & self care.

Group Sound Baths have become an easy access to those who want to seek the benefits without paying a fortune for wellness management. Private Sound Healing Session Investment is well worth it if you are time pressed, need tailoring to your unique heath/life/work situation & need something on a routine basis per your availability. 

What are the benefits of sound therapy?

Sound therapy can promote deep relaxation, reduce anxiety, and enhance emotional well-being by harmonizing the body's energy.

What are the types of Sound Healing?

Mantra Vibrations: Either listening or chanting along with your practitioner.

Naada Vibrations: Listening to vibrational mantras or bhajan songs sung in vibrational octaves. Mantras are delivered in Sanskrit, while devotional Bhajans (mainly other Indian languages). On special occasions, experience a soulful songs in a foreign language. 

Vibrational Sound Bath: Includes 2 or more main musical instruments like Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls & a Gong alongside assisting instruments like rainstick, chimes, tongue drum, world string instruments, etc.

Session Do's & Don'ts -

Before Session:

Leave valuables, large bags & electronic gadgets including mobilephones locked in your car / outside the room.

All necessary Props & water will be provided at on-site group & solo session. Just bring YourSelf. 

Arrive 15 mins prior the session to settle in the room on a vacant mat space. Please do not move the setup. 

You may layer your own mat over the set up if you prefer to bring your's.


NO talking, chatting, whispering, rustling, moving around, leaving space, etc. Practice mindfulness.

Basically Just Avoid Things & Actions that could likely disrupt your & everyone's sound bath experience. 


After Session: It's okay to feel zenned out. Take time to take deep breaths, smile, stretch, rise, move around & not want to talk to any one. Leave our preset ups as is after the session. Just remember to take along your own personal items & our gift.

                 Leaving us a review of your experience

           via contact form would be greatly appreciated !